
“Never throw away a McNutt throw; instead, help us to do the right thing and reduce textiles waste and throw back your used throw to us! Together we can reduce, repurpose, reuse and build a sustainable future for all.”

McNutt of Donegal logo featuring a woven knot design and a small circular green recycling symbol.
  • We always design with sustainability in mind and that goes far beyond the first life of our products. All of our products are made to last a lifetime, however, we understand that sometimes the unexpected can happen.

    Maybe your throw has fallen victim to your pet who loved it just a little too much or maybe your other half kindly washed it but forgot to do so in a wool wash! Whatever the reason may be, as we weave with 100% wool, if you find yourself needing to part with your throw, we are delighted to offer our ThrowBack Programme, to ensure your throw can go on to enjoy its next life.

  • One of the many fabulous benefits of using natural fibres is the ease with which they can be repurposed. Wool, in particular, can have many uses after its first life. At McNutt of Donegal, your returned throw will be broken down and re-spun into recycled yarns. 

  • We will accept all used McNutt woollen throws which we will regenerate and repurpose so they can go on to enjoy their next life.

To avail of this programme, simply post your used throw back to us at the below address. 

FAO: ThrowBack Programme, 
McNutt of Donegal, 
The Pier, 
Co. Donegal, 
F92 WR53 

Be sure to include your email address with your returned throw and we will email you a 5% off voucher which is redeemable against your next purchase either on our website or in our gift shop in Downings.